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Inclement Weather Policies

Practice Inclement Weather Policies

Our coaches will follow the American Red Cross guidelines for inclement weather. In the event of a thunderstorm or impending storms, the coaches will decide to delay or cancel practice. We plan to alert parents about delayed or cancelled practices through push notifications from the SwimTopia app. Please sure you have downloaded the app. 

Swim Meet Inclement Weather Policies

  • Inclement weather (thunder and lightning) prior to the start of the meet or once the meet has begun but the backstroke has not yet been swum necessitates a delay of the meet. Swimmers must get out and stay out of the water for 30 minutes after the last lightning is seen or thunder heard. It is suggested that both teams remain and wait for up to one hour prior to canceling the meet. No meets start after 7:30 pm.
  • If a meet is called due to inclement weather, the meet director and the two coaches will decide when it will be rescheduled. If there are rain dates in the calendar that have not passed or not been used, the meet should be moved to the next available rain date. If all rain dates have passed or been used, the meet may be held one of the next two Saturday mornings.
  • If a meet is called due to inclement weather and the breaststroke has been swum, the scorekeepers will divide the remaining points evenly between the two teams.
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